Chakra Qualities to be Healed
Issues associated with a weak 1st chakra:
Difficulty getting into action
Spinning in head with frenetic thoughts
Anxious energy from mild anxiety to panic attacks
Rejection or disappointment in your physical body
Difficulty being aware of your body’s signals of stress, hunger, exhaustion
“leaving your body” and zoning out
Dreaming of big goals that never manifest
Difficulty creating the time or habit for nutrition and self-care
Difficulty dealing with concrete tasks like money management, organization, or finishing projects
Chakra 1 Healing Goal: Healing the Past – earliest experiences/trauma related to physical and emotional safety
Birth to Inner Child – impact, of not being wanted and cared for, to nervous system
Physical Body – body/self rejection (learned from family)
Family Paradigm – internalized belief structures (world, money, people, personal value)
Issues associated with a weak 2nd chakra
Difficulty truly owning your power
Feeling guilty or anxious about being “too powerful” or too attractive
Living the vow to never be angry, so anger is pushed down and becomes frustration or depression
Or – angry and in battle all the time with others and/or with self in the form of self-sabotage
Thinking your feelings, instead of really feeling them
Having difficulty feeling joy and connection
Pattern of total fear and avoidance of vulnerability due to expecting betrayal and abandonment
Shutdown sexual energy and/or periods of excessive sexual energy
Chakra 2 Healing Goal: Transform Passion, Power and the ability to Receive
Childhood Core Trauma - denial/rejection of our deepest needs
Reclaiming Inner Power - rejection of the energies of rage and anger
Rejection of life force energy – associated with money, passion and creativity
Issues associated with a weak 3rd chakra
Struggle with feeling stuck all the time
Fear and avoidance of really stepping up and being seen, or being the “centre of attention”
Spinning in head instead of getting into action
Running on anxiety
Feeling shame or guilt whenever you try to self-advocate or ask for more
Believing and action on a vow of self-sacrifice, always giving and not being selfish
Anger gets stuck and stews as resentment, but to take action on it seems like a no-win situation
Extreme difficulty saying “no” or setting boundaries, unless there are concrete external reasons that can justify or force it
Chakra 3 Healing Goal: Transform Personal Action and Value
Refusal/denial/rejection of your shadow - selfish, arrogant, being entitled
Habitual energy restriction - rule to hide, stay small, never be seen or seen as confident
Challenge the energy, and identity - of self-value and confidence
Issues associated with a weak 4th chakra
Struggling to feel yourself inside / your core
Feeling like something has been missing for a long time
Feeling secretly lonely and on your own even within a relationship
Always holding back on your true feelings
Being overly responsible for everything and everyone since a young age
Constantly criticizing yourself for each and everything you could have done better, even when others celebrate you
Inability to let in praise, compliments, and true support, and instead believing you have to be strong and soldier on
Difficulty allowing others to help you and instead have to do everything yourself
Never get angry, but will instead dismiss people with inner judgements
Have a secretly tender, but very guarded heart
People can’t feel you, and don’t seem to connect with your intension to help them
Chakra 4 Healing Goals: Transform the ruthless inner-judge / Allow the heart to heal and live in joy - connection and love with life, self and others
Transforming the inner critic/judge/punisher - the imperfect self into an ally
Healing the unforgivable - the person who hurt you the most
Healing the unforgivable mistake - “I should have known better”
Healing the unforgiving shadow - weakness and anger