60-second Energetic Self Assessment
Note those which apply to you (or perhaps a loved one)
Physical Bio-energetic aka “Issues in the Tissues”
ð you’re “just not healing” the way you want to or my “body has betrayed me”
ð mysterious or medically unexplained symptoms; chronic autoimmune condition
ð chronic pain or pain with no known etiology
ð injury prone - especially the same body part over and over again
ð traumatic experience - you’ve never been the same since
ð look / feel older than you are; fatigue, insomnia or digestive issues
Mental Psycho-energetic Energy Blueprint
ð haunted by limiting beliefs or low self-worth - anxious, depressed, irritable
ð chaos - too much drama, always reacting to another crisis, resistant to change
ð feel unsafe - hypervigilant and need for control
ð stressed - high demands and expectations on self or others
ð locked in analysis - difficulty making a decision, or trusting yourself or others
Emotional / Spiritual Emotional toxicity Psycho-spiritual
ð heart-broken; lonely, disconnected from self-love
ð not enough time for self -- depleted, overwhelmed, trapped
ð feel unfulfilled -- there is more to life than what you are living
ð unable to fill the void – obsessions or cravings
ð stuck in procrastination or perfectionism; fear of making a mistake
ð difficulty with personal boundaries - over-giving, people-pleasing, etc.
ð unhealthy habits associated with work, food, money, sex, substances, etc.
ð easily trigged or over-reacting
Ancestral Epigenetic Ancestral Goal Trauma
ð repeating patterns - relationships, finances, vocation, familial health or self-sabotage
ð unable to forgive yourself or others - betrayal, regret, disappointment
ð feeling lost - hesitant to pursue your goals or dreams
How do you feel you scored? Like warning lights on your vehicles’ dashboard, these are actually signs of underlying energetic blocks and imbalances, impinging on your experience of health, vitality, peace, joy, and abundance. Removing the interference can help restore your body's optimal healing state -- from which you can begin to heal your mind, body and spirit – and transform your life because you deserve to live a life that light's you up! 💖
My broad range of skills and tools can reach those energetic roots which lie beneath pain and struggle. Get an idea of the results my clients have experienced, under my "Testimonials" tab.
Intrigued? Email me at StudioOfHealing@gmail.com to arrange a time to discuss new possibilities for you!